I know! I know! Claiming your word of the year is soooo 2010 when Eat Pray Love came out. But no matter how woo-woo you think it is, there is a little something to it.
Now, there’s a few things at play when we look at the power of words. There’s a saying in the spiritual coaching world…
“Your beliefs become your thoughts, your thoughts become your words, your words become your actions, your actions become your habits, your habits become your values, your values become your destiny- MK Gandhi.”
Most of us have heard some variation of this popular quote from Gandhi. There’s science behind this as it helps to form neuro-pathways to change the way we think and behave and ultimately our habits so that we can move differently through the world.
But today, we are talking about a word of the year and why that is so important.
Intention is the beginning of everything. Intention keeps us focused energetically, in such a way, that it keeps our emotions aligned with our behaviors which stay in alignment with our actions and then aligns us with how we move, manifest and show up in the world.
That’s how we are using the word of the year. It is an intention of the theme of your overall focused efforts.
Choose your Word
Take a quick moment and think of what you would like to accomplish this year. Choose a word, not a phrase.
How will this word be carried out through your life domains?
Say you choose the word ‘healthy’. Think with intention about what that means when it comes to physical health, financial health, emotional health, environmental, Career, relationships, travel, etc.
Next, I like to create a short mantra around it. Like ” Choose healthy” so your thoughts and energetic vibration will carry your intention.
Create actions and goals that will carry through the intention that you’d like to accomplish this year.
Personally, I like to make lifestyle changes and often create goals around my intentions. This is a great way to start to change your habits so you can manifest your word into your life.
So take the plunge and create your word for the year so that your intentions can properly manifest through the power of your word!