We all love to know stuff about ourselves, don’t we?
I mean let’s face it. We all love to talk about ourselves…according to this article posted on TimeMagazine.com, 40% of us love to talk about ourselves and if you like to talk on social media then you might as well jump that number up to 80%. First question I have is who are the 20% that don’t like to talk about themselves and who are they talking about?
No matter, let’s talk about you!
The study goes on to. mention that we like talking about ourselves because it makes us feel good and triggers the reward section in our brain. In my experience as a tarot reader, people want to know things about themselves that they don’t know. That’s half of them anyways.
The other half want you to tell them what to do. This is #1 reason that I stopped reading for others. I do not want to replace your ability to stretch your intuition and learn to speak with the Universe around you. If you learn nothing else from me, I hope you know that you have the ability to directly speak, and have a relationship, with the God source within and around you.
With all that said, what I’d like to focus on is why we aren't speaking WITH ourselves? Speaking with our Inner Wisdom. I know I heard a lot of alarms going off. Before you leave let me explain.
Our intuition is the ability to receive, immediately, insights and information through through our extra-sensory (spiritual) senses without using logic or reasoning. The more you work with your intuition, the more you will be able to tune into your intuition. But I want you to really learn how to delve into a relationship with your Inner Wisdom. This is the core of your being. Some call it their higher self. This is the place from which you navigate life using your intuition.
My point.. it's so important to get to know one's self in a deeply intimate way in order to best navigate life. Building this relationship with your Inner Wisdom is the basis of self love and self honoring. This is so important to understand so you know that you have choices in life and the freedom to go after what your heart and soul desires. In order to do this, you must be able to communicate spiritually, and fluently, with your Inner Wisdom. You can only strengthen this skill when you build a relationship with your inner Wisdom.
To build a relationship with your Inner Wisdom...
- Meditate daily to be completely conscious and aware
- Be completely conscious and aware so that you can see the patterns and insights that come from spiritual communication all around us.
- Reflect on the spiritual communication that goes on all around us
- Begin to take intentional pauses throughout your day to just listen, speak and reflect with your Inner Wisdom
For some, using tools like tarot, intuitive art, music, automatic writing, creative writing, etc. will help to tune in purposefully before it will feel natural.
My advice, for a month take an intentional pause at least once a day and communicate with the world inside and around you and listen for subtle shifts and see what happens. Reflect on it in a journal and see what comes up. Notice how you are picking up information. See what happens. and start chasing your heart's dreams and passions.